Meet the team!

Dmitrii Senex Krasnov
Financial director and The Founder. Staff and poi instructor
Dmitrii came to Estonia in 2011 and already in 2012 the school got its name.
Favourite prop: staff
Other props: poi, fans, double staff, dragonstaff, whip

Alisa Armsid
Art director (vacation until Sept 2024)
Alisa started flow arts in 2015 with staff and poi exploration. From winter semester of 2017 she took a position of beginner poi instructor and in autumn 2017 she ran her first fans course.
Favourite prop: hard to choose
Other props: staff, fans, poi, dragonstaff, leviwand

Annar Hiid
Whip instructor
Annar started his flow arts journey in 2016. From 2017 he is teaching whip tech
Favourite prop: whip
Other props: torches, staff, poi

Margus Niitsoo
Double staff and dragon staff instructor
Margus started his flow arts long-long time ago, but joined the school in 2015. Since then he was teaching double staff and dragon staff courses
Favourite prop: double staffs
Other props: staff, dragonstaff

Anna Timejeva
Fans instructor
Anna joined the school in 2017. Starting 2021 she is teaching fans classes
Favourite prop: fans
Other props: staff, dragonstaff, poi

Annika Harrik
Hoop instructor
Annika started flow arts in 2016. From 2022 she became the instructor of hoop classes
Favourite prop: fans
Other props: hoop, poi, doublestaff